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Tencia Support

With good training comes exceptional support. We understand that you may not know everything, or may have made a simple mistake.

A call to our support centre will put you in immediate touch with a fully qualified support person who will remote login and walk you through the fix.

Your key to freedom from expensive support starts here.

The difference between a standard user and a power user may be as little as 1% in knowledge.

When you engage Logon Australia to give you training, we throw the standard manual out and give you our own.

You will learn all the undocumented tricks based on over 23 years experience in Arrow and Tencia products. Guaranteed.

Business Solutions

Tencia Sales

Without doubt Tencia Accounting Business Software is the best value for money software program on the market today.

You can choose to buy, lease, rent or rent in the cloud. Your choice. 

Which ever way, you are now in touch with the most beautiful, easy to use, and flexible software ever offered.

Whether your business needs intelligent reporting, enhanced financial management, customized data integration, an online store, CRM, Point Of Sale or a Staff Rostering system fully integrated with your business accounting software Logon Australia and our partners can deliver the solutions...

Tencia Training

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